About us

Our Mission

To make disciples of Jesus Christ through God’s Written Word with our free tracts & Bible courses: in print, on Internet & by teaching.

The Bible is still the most popular book globally. It tells the good news of God’s love for you and His plans for every human being ever born. Our purpose is to share God’s message of Jesus Christ, and to help you discover more of the amazing detail! We offer you free flyer’s/ tracts and simple Bible courses on printed lessons or digitally, to help you know the reality of life with the God who cares about you.

Questions about living life and facing death are much bigger than you, that is why you ask them! God has given answers to those who want to know. It’s written in the Bible for people who ask about God and life. The unchanging words of God are very powerful for those who accept what He has provided. We believe it. We tried it, and we see it. So much that we offer to you for free gives the opportunity to discover this for yourself.

Our Team

We take the Bible as our guide for life and absolute authority for all time.
We are grateful to God for the good team we have serving with Emmanuel Press. Our directors freely give their time and giftings to oversee the charitable governance of Emmanuel Press. Currently our directors are Osborn our board chairman. Indio is our treasurer, and Peter, Len and Douglas also serve on the board of directors. Our White River team comprises those who are paid and volunteer members too. Together we serve here to bring God’s written Word to thousands of people living in many countries not only across Africa. But in other parts of the world too. Gillian oversee our reception office and meet visitors who come daily to browse and purchase from the Bible bookshop. They also welcome visitors interested in pursuing our Basic Christian Discipleship Courses. Tebogo and Salome are kept busy with the student database, lesson production and paperwork for our many students whilst Calvin oversees the printing and duplicating office for the many tracts and courses that we produce. We weekly welcome Desiree who takes care of our bookkeeping and finance records. Sophie is our singing housekeeper and we also employ a gardener and groundman weekly. And finally we mention our good friend Domingos and his small team running our E.P. office in Maputo.

What we believe

  • The Bible (i.e. Old and New Testaments), is the inspired Word of God, the infallible, all sufficient rule for faith and conduct.
  • The One True God who lives eternally in 3 persons – the Father, The Son & Holy Spirit. And His love, grace and sovereignty is demonstrated in creating, sustaining, ruling, redeeming and judging the world.
  • The dignity of all people created male and female in God’s image to love, be holy and care for creation, yet all corrupted by sin which incurs God’s wrath and judgment
  • The incarnation of God’s Eternal Son, the Lord Jesus Christ who was born of the Virgin Mary. He is truly divine and truly human yet without sin.
  • The atoning sacrifice of Jesus Christ on the cross: dying in our place, thus paying the price of sin and reconciling us with God. The bodily resurrection of Jesus Christ; his ascension to The Father and his reign and mediation as the only Saviour of the world
  • God’s grace alone, through faith in Jesus Christ, all believers are justified and are to live a holy life in obedience to God’s written commands.
  • The ministry of the Holy Spirit, who leads us to repentance, unites us to Jesus Christ by new birth and empowers disciples for witness, through the baptism of the Holy Spirit.
  • The two ordinances of the church today: water baptism as a sign of repentance and faith in Jesus Christ; and sharing in communion as a proclamation of the death of Jesus Christ on our behalf, until he returns.
  • The church, the body of Christ both local and universal; the priesthood of all believers, living by the Holy Spirit, endowed with His gifts to worship God and proclaim His Gospel.
  • The personal visible return of Jesus Christ to fulfill God’s Purpose, when He will raise all people to judgment either to eternal life or eternal damnation; and establish the new heaven and new earth.
Our Partners

Our History


In the early 20th century, Hubert Phillips, a young civil engineer in England, had been led to start printing gospel tracts on a small homemade printer. Some years later with two friends, he was producing 1000s of English tracts and even one consignment in Portuguese! Eventually, called by God, he went to South Africa, and settled in Nelspruit.


In 1930, Charles Austin Chawner, a linguist and educator whose British parents had moved to Canada, felt the call of God to reach the Tsonga people of Mozambique with the Gospel of Jesus Christ. Some friends had donated funds for a small side lever printing press, capable of printing a 6”x 8” sheets. It was immediately put to work to fulfill their desire to produce Christian literature: pamphlets, songbooks and tracts were being published from a mud hut near Shingwedzi in South Africa. There was much rejoicing even though ants ate holes in the paper and termites chewed the wooden blocks on the cuts. Austin decided to move to Lourenco Marques, (Maputo) Mozambique but the political restrictions were prohibitive, so in God’s overruling, he moved to Nelspruit where he met Hubert Phillips. Their synergy was God-given: Hubert and Austin walked in unity as the presses ran!


So, in 1938 with premises in Nelspruit this little concern had a name change and “Emmanuel Press” was born! The work grew extensively and rapidly. In 1947 this fledgling company was recognised as a ‘Section 21 not for gain Company’ as seven men of God signed their commitment on 8th October 1947: Hubert C. Phillips the first Chairman and Austin Chawner the first secretary.


Seven years later, David & Loreen Newington from England, joined the team, and under Holy Spirit inspiration brought into focus a wide vision for reaching the lost through literature evangelism. This was unprecedented in literature evangelism and through ensuing years they moved into larger premises as God inspired massive growth.


During these amazing times of the 1970s and 1980s, many helpers from Britain and Canada joined in the rapidly expanding work of Emmanuel Press under the dynamic and inspirational leadership of the unique David and Loreen duo. The Heidelberg Press, folding machine, guillotine and other specialized equipment churned out thousands of pieces of Christian literature each week.


The move to White River…

In 1977 new facilities were built at No.2 Hennie Van Till Street, in White River, just 20 kms from Nelspruit, and some years later at the far end of this street, residential accommodation was built for some of the overseas workers. In 1992 the decision was taken to cease printing operations, as modern commercial printers achieved the same more efficiency.


At the close of the 20th century, late in 1999, the aged David & Loreen passed the baton of leadership to their daughter and son-in-law. Nancy and Oskar Rottcher provided oversight to the ministry until Nancy’s illness and death in 2004.


In 2005 Dean & Wendy Skinner arrived from Canada to lead ‘Emmanuel Press’ endeavoring to maintain the impact of this incredible work. In 2014 amidst the many technical advances of computers, DTP and new photocopying, Emmanuel Press once again began printing its own Gospel Tracts and Bible Correspondence Courses for distribution through the ailing postal service. The old ‘Victor’ hand-press now rests in Emmanuel Press Reception, as a reminder of those humble beginnings and how the Lord had led and multiplied HIS Gospel message. Statistics proved the battle for growth was a struggle.


Into the 21st century, the challenges within Africa’s postal service presented a foundational shift for how we offer ‘The Courses’, and the need to prayerfully consider best effectiveness for links across the continent. Introducing an ‘E-learning’ component became a priority with a declining audience.

Early in 2018 Peter & Kay Goodchild arrived from England in response to God’s call, to take up the challenge to bring the unchanging message in a 21st Century way. Sharing the same message, but in today’s language is the challenge. The power of the written Word, carried in the power of The Holy Spirit to people still waiting to hear… ‘Bringing God’s written Word to You’ is the task defined!

Peter and Kay returned to the UK on 26th of September 2023. Their service in overseeing the work of Emmanuel Press during the past six years is greatly appreciated by all. They have fulfilled their calling to be vessels for Jesus Christ in Africa and now continue promoting Emmanuel Press in the UK.
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